
3D Component Scanning

It’s that time of year again!  When turbines are running throughout the summer season it’s a good time to scan any common parts that you may need to order again in the future.  With our portable metrology-grade 3D scanning equipment, we are able to scan components within extreme accuracy.  You can ship your components to our shop, or we can bring the experienced technicians and scanning equipment to your facility and analyze the components right there at your site.  If you have any component engineering needs please give us a call.  We’d love the opportunity to help in any way we can.   CLICK HERE for our phone and email contact information.

G2 Main Control Valves


We recently overhauled the main control valves for a GE G2 Steam Turbine rated approximately 550MWs.  In this instance, we removed the control valves and shipped them to our Gainesville, Georgia Steam Valve Repair facility for disassembly, cleaning, and inspection.  If any of the components are in need of repair we can make them right there at this facility.  We can even reverse engineer and replace worn components if the situation requires it.  Once the inspection (and repairs if necessary) is complete the valves are shipped back to site for reassembly by the outage team.  Continuous communication between the site and shop personnel is critical to maintaining schedule and ensuring all expectations are met or exceeded.   The end result is another satisfied customer with properly maintained valve components.