Bearing Saddle Machining


We were recently called into a power plant to machine out damage present in a bearing saddle.  This required the use of specialized machining equipment (photo of equipment being set up shown below), as well as highly skilled Field Machinists to operate the equipment, and maintain extremely critical tolerances in final machining.  Very nice job by our Field Machinists, and another example of our critical machining capabilities.

Steam Turbine Rotor

Another industrial steam turbine rotor prepped and ready to ship out for repairs. Our field teams do a fantastic job executing turnkey steam and gas turbine outages. Contact us today to help you plan for your next inspection.

Steam Turbine Major Inspection

We’re lifting the LP upper half casing on a Westinghouse Steam Turbine.   Great attention to detail and planning is required to perform a safe, quality lift of this nature.  Nice job team!

Flange Facing


We have a full range of flange facing equipment to clean up any surfaces that may need work.  After machining you will have smooth surfaces to allow for a much better seal.  Please contact us today for all of your flange facing needs!

Customer Satisfaction


We’ve been doing excellent work all over the World – but don’t take it from us, just ask our customers.  We take pride in our excellent overall customer satisfaction rating, and appreciate every opportunity our customers provide.  This is a people business, and we understand that our existence depends on our ability to meet and exceed expectations on each and every project we perform.  If you haven’t tried us yet, please give us a call and find out why so many customers consider PSG their preferred turbine service provider.

Journal Machining

We’ve had quite a run on Journal Machining this outage season, much like most outage seasons.  We’re working hard to make sure all of our customers can get their equipment back into good running condition and complete their outages on-time.  As these emergent repairs are discovered please give us a call, we have the equipment and personnel to machine most standard turbine rotor journals and collector rings – as well as provide many other types of on-site repairs.  Here are a couple of photos showing both the equipment set up on the journal, as well as the journal after final machining.

Keeping the Electricity Flowing

We have quite a few projects ongoing at the moment, even with current COVID-19 concerns.  Providing electricity to homes all across the country is vital to the well-being of the public, and it is our responsibility to continue on as we try to get through this together.  The men and women that are out in the field performing this work are making a sacrifice for all of us as the country continues to tighten restrictions on travel and access to everyday necessities.  We’d like to thank turbine maintenance personnel all across the World for what they are doing right now to keep electricity flowing – stay safe and healthy out there!

PSG Customers and Suppliers – Our COVID-19 Action Plan

PSG and our affiliated companies, Orbital Energy Services (OES), Turbine Generator Maintenance (TGM), and Airco Power Services, continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation to address concerns and issues that may affect the health and safety of our employees, customers, and suppliers. Like other organizations, PSG relies on guidance from the CDC and US Department of State related COVID-19 precautions. Communication with our partners remains a priority as the situation rapidly changes.  As such, PSG has taken action to address its own facilities, as well as those customer facilities at which PSG employees are working.

PSG is currently operating with the following precautions in place to limit exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Our employees, and through their interaction with customers and suppliers, have implemented these actions regardless of location:

  • Customer and supplier visits to PSG facilities must be business-critical and approved by the facility manager. As a precaution, body temperature of any person entering a PSG facility, employee or visitor, is checked and must be within CDC guidelines.
  • All travel unrelated to execution of business has been eliminated. All air travel must be approved by senior management directly reporting to the CEO. Our field teams are driving to customer job sites as much as possible and will comply with all customer-specific site protocols.
  • All employees returning from international travel are self-quarantined for 14 days at home to ensure wellness.
  • Where practical, office employees have the option to work from home to promote social distancing.
  • Web meetings and teleconferences are encouraged as an alternative to face-to-face meetings, both internally and externally.

PSG’s commitments to safety and service excellence remain our top priorities and our core values, and we will take the necessary steps to ensure the highest standards of both are at the forefront of everything we do.


Keith Ravan

Chief Executive Officer

Power Services Group

Welcome to the team Ralph Pederson!

We would like to welcome Ralph Pederson to the PSG team! Ralph has joined our team as a Principal Steam Turbine Engineer and has a 40+ year background working in various central electric and steam power stations. He previously worked for Westinghouse as a service engineer, technical support contact, and salesperson. Ralph has held a position as a Senior Engineer with an aftermarket electric utility industry service organization. He has been a Senior Specialty Engineer at a 2-unit nuclear power station and has been a Turbine Coordinator for a large investor-owned utility. Ralph has also worked as a Director of Engineering/Technical Services for an aftermarket provider of turbine parts to power utilities. His extensive background in the power industry will be a tremendous asset to our team.

Ralph has a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Grand Forks and has done extensive graduate work at Cardinal Stritch University. He has received ASME recognition of piping and pressure studies (ASME Section 3, ASME B31.1), Level Two Vibration Analysis certification, Nuclear Utility company training of Pressurized Water Reactor Power Plant, as well as specialized training on non-destructive inspection techniques. Ralph is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society of Testing & Materials, and ASM International.

Welcome to the team Ralph, we’re all looking forward to working with you!


Rotor Shaft Manufacturing

We recently completed a Major Inspection on an industrial steam turbine which required a de-stack of the rotor, the manufacture of a new rotor shaft, and re-stacking of components.  We also changed multiple rows of blades, and balanced the rotor upon completion.  One plant employee commented: “I have been here for 20 years and 3 complete overhauls of this unit.  This was by far the best from a standpoint of quality and workmanship”.  This project was a great team effort from start to finish that resulted in another very satisfied customer.