Paper Mill Reopening

Just over a year ago the Phoenix Paper Mill in Wickliffe, Kentucky made their first roll of bleached hardwood pulp since their re-opening in 2019.  We are proud to have helped the mill get their turbines back in operating condition, and thankful for the opportunity to be of service.  The mill is vital to the Wickliffe community and provided over 200 jobs after the reopening.  Now that we just passed the one-year anniversary of their initial production run, it’s amazing to look back on the work we put in, as well as the work every other employee and contractor put in during that time.  Congratulations on the one year anniversary Phoenix Paper!


Summer Maintenance Checklist

Summertime is almost here!  That means summer run season is beginning and many turbine generator sets will be in operation over these next few months.  While the units are in operation that provides facilities with the opportunity check some items off of the to-do list.  We offer a variety of non-turbine outage services during the summer months.  Please see our common summer services below and let us know if there is anything we can help you accomplish.

Contact us HERE to request a quotation.


  • Running Condition Assessments to assess your Steam Turbine
  • Pre-planning Support for Upcoming Outages
  • Inventory Recommendations for Spare Parts
  • Evaluation of Repair Programs
  • Evaluation of Preventative Maintenance Programs
  • Emergent and Unplanned Maintenance
  • Evaluate Plant Performance Issues
  • Owner’s Representatives for Plant Projects
  • Temporary Maintenance Labor
  • Parts Reverse Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Field Machining of Components

Frame 7B Combustion Inspection

PSG mobilized a Technical Field Advisor, Foreman, Turbine Mechanics, and Tooling to a Utility site in the southern U.S. to perform a combustion inspection ‘’CI’’ on a GE MS-7000B combustion turbine.

The job consisted of removing and replacing all combustion parts and associated consumables. The fuel nozzles, combustion liners and transition pieces were removed and replaced with OEM refurbished components.

The bullhorns, combustion chambers, crossfire tubes, retainer clips and lid covers were returned to service with no replacement necessary. Transition piece hardware was replaced with new parts and the crossfire tubes and retainer clips were returned to service with minor wear being noted. All associated flange gaskets were replaced with new OEM consumable parts in all 10 combustion cans as a preventive maintenance practice. New flange bolting hardware was also installed as a preventive maintenance practice.

The combustion wrapper was removed to better access the transition pieces and have a better visual inspection of the 1st stage nozzle, all wrapper case bolting was replaced with new upgraded components.

The inlet was visually inspected and found to be in overall good visual condition.

A visual inspection of the exhaust plenum showed the assembly to be in overall good visual condition with minor wear noted.

The end result was another successful combustion inspection on a Frame 7B combustion turbine, and most importantly, a satisfied customer.

Over 1000 Days Lost-Time Injury Free!


Earlier this month we surpassed 1000 Days without a lost-time injury.  That is an amazing accomplishment by our project teams, who work in unfamiliar locations as they travel from job to job.  The attention to detail and focus on safety must be at the forefront each and every day in order to avoid accidents.  Keeping our teams safe has been our priority, and it shows with this accomplishment.  Great job to each and every person working in the field – you make this happen!

The Right People

A company built on industry leadership, knowledge and experience!

We employ industry-experienced professionals who work together consistently as a cohesive team, anticipating problems and formulating best solutions. Our team approach allows us to better organize and manage your project details and plan for contingencies. This organizational structure creates a project team that runs smoothly… So your project runs smoothly too.

Project Management
Good project management is key to a successful outage. Our Technical Field Advisors and Foremen are industry veterans, with experience across all the units we service. Many of them started their careers with an OEM. They offer the technical and project management proficiency to guide your specific project and are qualified to provide clear options and recommendations when repairs are required.

Project Coordinator
The on-site Project Coordinator manages supplies, parts, services and contractors and reports costs on a daily basis. This allows us to manage your project with a single Technical Field Advisor, reducing costs and providing seamless control.

Turbine Mechanics
Each Foreman builds a base crew of Mechanics who work together consistently. We also provide formal training and advancement for a pool of mechanics who are utilized when larger crews are needed. Together, they have the necessary skills and experience, and know our tools, procedures and safety.

Remote Turbine Consultations


Power Services Group offers remote consultative services for those customers looking to resolve issues on their turbine power island.  Many facilities have postponed or delayed outages this year, and that may extend turbine run times to longer than some may be comfortable with.  Many turbines may have had outages planned to address issues currently being experienced.  Those outages are now postponed, and facilities must make alternative plans to address any operational issues.  At PSG, we can provide remote assistance to help you develop solutions to any potential problems you may be facing.  We will offer our opinion based on the information gathered remotely between your plant personnel and our qualified Technical Advisors.  This may include any operational data or photographs related to the issue being experienced, telephone conversations between involved parties, and remote video meetings by telephone to allow our Technical Advisors personally experience any sights and sounds that may be the result of the issue you are experiencing.  At PSG, we are here to help.  We understand that it may not be the most optimal time to have outside personnel visiting your facility, so we will do everything possible to help you develop alternatives through our remote consultative services with our qualified Technical Advisors.

We have expertise on most Steam Turbine OEM types (List of Steam Turbine OEMs we perform services on), as well as various types of Combustion Turbines (List of Combustion Turbine OEMs we perform services on).

You can call us at any time to begin discussions at 800-226-7557, or email us through the following link:  Contact Us.

If you ever experience an emergency situation, we have Technical Advisors just a phone call away at 888-MrTurbine.  We are available 24/7, 365 Days a year.

We look forward to helping you ensure your turbine is operating as efficiently as possible until your next turbine inspection.


Wind Turbine Shaft Machining


We recently received a call to perform an uptower repair of a damaged shaft inside a Wind Turbine.  We have experienced technicians that are specifically trained for uptower Wind Turbine repairs, and have the expertise and equipment to successfully execute these projects.  The final results are a safe, quality project – with a shaft that is back within OEM specified tolerances.  The photos below show the before and after of a shaft in need of refurbishment, and the excellent work that our technicians perform.  The end result is another satisfied customer…




Who is Power Services Group?

Power Services Group is a market leader in providing integrated, turnkey solutions for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of turbines and generators for the power generation, oil & gas, and process industries.

We have multiple locations within the United States, each ready to provide the best possible service to our customers.  These locations are fully staffed to meet the demands of our customer base, and it is the quality of our personnel throughout the organization that make us the great company we are today.  We look forward to continuing to earn your business through hard work, and a dedication to safety and quality on every job we perform.

Turnkey Outage Management Services

At Power Services Group we believe in taking responsibility for the successful outcome of your turbine overhaul project.  That is why we provide highly qualified and experienced Project Managers and Technical Field Advisors to oversee the successful execution of your turbine outage.  Our Technical Field Advisors are trained and experienced on a variety of OEM types:


ABB & ABB VAX          Allis Chalmers          Alstom          Ansaldo          BBC          DeLaval          Dresser-Rand


Elliott          Fairbanks Morse       Franco Tosi          GEC          General Electric          Metropolitan Vickers


Mitsubishi          Murray          Parsons           Peter Brotherhood          Shin Nippon          Siemens          Stal Laval


Terry          Thermodyne          Toshiba          Turbodyne          Westinghouse


Power Services Group (PSG) has the ability to provide full turnkey inspections on turbine generators for most OEM manufacturers. PSG provides total turnkey outage performance including technical direction, engineering, project management & coordination, supervision, labor, tooling, repairs, parts sourcing and/or manufacturing, and start-up support. We support fossil and nuclear steam and gas turbines ranging from 1MW to 1,300MW for all major OEMs.  We service all industry types including, but not limited to: industrial, paper/pulp, marine, steel/aluminum, chemical and petrochemical, utility, nuclear, and independent power producers.

Please contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals for your next turbine maintenance inspection.

Another Steam Turbine Rotor Leaving the Shop!

We have another Steam Turbine Rotor leaving the shop!  This is for an industrial steam turbine in the Northern U.S.  We blast cleaned the rotor,  removed some of the existing blades and replaced with new, installed new covers, and balanced the rotor upon completion.  In addition to the rotor work we performed major repairs to specific diaphragms as well.  Another great job by our team at the steam path repair center in Pevely, Missouri!