Safety Monday!

Safety slogan of the day: Safety is the engine, and you are the key that starts it.

Safety is beneficial not just for employees but also for business owners. If you want to ensure maximum productivity and success at your business, the safety of employees in the workplace should be your top priority.  At PSG we keep our employees safe by reviewing each task before it is undertaken to ensure procedures are in place to promote safe work practices. Visit our website for more safety tips!

Safety Monday

Today’s Safety Slogan: Accident Prevention – Your Number One Intention

To be a successful organization, employees’ safety, health, and happiness must be key ingredients for their wellbeing and their ongoing productivity. Focusing on preventing accidents is beneficial to everyone and should be the primary goal. At PSG, we properly train and educate our employees to help everyone understand what the latest safety procedures are for any job function.

Visit our website for more safety tips.

Safety Monday!

Safety slogan of the day: Chance takers are accident makers.

Safety-focused work area management practices include ensuring all equipment and tools are stored properly after each use. Pathways should be always kept free of debris and hazards. Most of all, the crew should wear proper PPE and attend regular safety meetings to stay up to date on the safest procedures to accomplish the upcoming tasks. At PSG we keep our employees safe by reviewing each task before it is undertaken to ensure procedures are in place to promote safe work practices.

 Visit our website for more safety tips!

Safety Monday!

Safety slogan of the day: Safety is our #1 Priority

Safety should be the most important priority of any business. At PSG we take time to educate and train our employees to ensure everyone understands the hazards that lay ahead, and what safety procedures will be followed to mitigate those hazards. 

A safe workplace is priority #1.

Safety Monday!

Safety slogan of the day: Stay Alert – Don’t Get Hurt

Being aware of your surroundings is paramount to avoiding workplace injuries. At PSG we keep our employees safe by implementing tasks & procedures to ensure safe work practices.

 Visit our website for more safety tips!

Safety Monday!

Safety slogan of the day: Safety rules are your best tools.

The greatest tool you can equip employees with is knowledge. It’s difficult to expect employees to follow safe practices on the job if you haven’t invested the time to educate them. At PSG, we properly train and educate our employees to help everyone understand what the latest safety procedures are for any job function.

Safety Monday!

Safety Tip of the day: You can prevent injuries by being aware of your surroundings and paying attention to where you’re walking. We at PSG make it a goal to keep our employees safe by implementing tasks & procedures to ensure safe work practices. Visit our website for more safety tips!

Safety Monday!

Safety tip of the day: Report unsafe conditions.

At Power Services Group we have developed a thorough safety plan to ensure the safety of our employees

. Also, we have a hazard elimination policy to ensure we fix any potential safety issues before they become incidents.

This focus on safety is the reason why we have not had a zero-safety incident in over two years.

For more safety tips feel free to visit our website!


Safety Monday !

Safety Tip of the day: Pay attention to the small details, each and every day, and the overall safety program will improve. Total Recordable Incident Rate(TRIR) is an OSHA metric that is commonly used to measure the overall safety of a company.

At PSG we are proud to say that we had zero safety incidents for the month of November. Our TRIR is 0.00 for all of 2020 and year-to-date 2021. Your turbine experts putting safety first!

Safety first!

Safety Monday!

Safety tip of the day: Keep your hands neat and clean. Wash your hands often. When in a working environment something simple as washing your hands can have an impact on other personnel.

At PSG we value the safety of our employees by providing a clean working environment and displaying common products such as hand sanitizer for employee use.

For more safety tips feel free to visit our website!