2020 Safety Accomplishment

Power Services Group (PSG) is proud to announce that we finished 2020 with no OSHA-recordable incidents.

Our TRIR for 2020 is 0.00

This is a testament to the excellent safety culture that we’ve built over the years and the ability of our Technical Field Advisors, Supervisors, and Project Coordinators to instill a safety-first mentality on each and every project we complete.

Join us in congratulating our Director of HSE and project teams for this outstanding accomplishment, they make it happen each and every day and they are the reason for our success. At the end of the day the most important part of any project is that everyone is able to go home safely, and our entire organization has embraced that mindset and made it a reality.

2021 Spring Outage Preparedness

We are working with many customers right now developing scopes of work, schedules, and estimates for their upcoming turbine outages.  If you have any turbine inspection or repairs you would like to address this Spring please reach out to us.  We would appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance!

To learn more about how we can help service your power generating equipment please visit our website: www.powerservicesgroup.com


November Safety Update

We completed the month of November continuing on our pace of a 0.00 TRIR for the year. We have zero OSHA-recordable injuries this year and continue to be proactive in identifying potential hazards. Great job by our HSE Director, Shannon Scruggs, and each one of our Project Management teams for engraining our safety culture throughout the teams working at site. Nice job everybody!

Diaphragm Partition Minor Repairs

We recently completed some diaphragm partition minor repairs at our Midwest Steam Path Repair facility earlier this month.  We’ve been keeping busy at both of our shop locations throughout the year, and are looking forward to a great 2021.  If you have any upcoming diaphragm repair needs please give us a call.  We look forward to earning your business!


Generator Field Journal Machining

We recently completed a Journal Machining project on a Generator Journal.  It cleaned up nicely and the customer was very satisfied with the end result.  Great job by our machining team!

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - Boss

Customer Feedback

It’s always nice to receive feedback from the recent jobs we perform.  With all of the new COVID-19 policies in place this year at various customer facilities it’s great to hear customers say that everything is going as planned and everyone was safe throughout the job.  Nice work PSG team!

“Great job working with the newly implemented Covid-19 protocol. All other PPE was worn as needed. Work practices of rigging and hauling never
appeared to be suspect to short cuts or poor management.”

Industrial Customer, Midwest USA

Seal Machining

If you have any seal machining needs in the future please Contact Us!   We provide high quality work, on schedule, at a reasonable price.  Please CLICK HERE to learn more about our steam path repair capabilities.  We look forward to earning an opportunity to work with you on your next turbine inspection and repair project.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Let’s Talk Turkey: 6 Safety Pitfalls to Avoid on Thanksgiving

Whether you’re preparing a Thanksgiving feast or tossing the football in the backyard, keep these tips in mind to avoid an unwanted trip to the emergency room.

Cuts and lacerations: Because the production of a large holiday meal often calls for the all-hands-on-deck approach, it often brings novices into the kitchen. It should be no surprise, then, that emergency departments often treat cuts and lacerations from people using knives and other sharp implements to help prepare a holiday meal. Take a moment to ensure that anyone offering to assist in the kitchen is familiar with the safe use of the tools they are going to be using.

Burns: Burns of the hands and arms are another common holiday occurrence. Novices may attempt to navigate oversized broiler pans into ovens, or large portions may boil over their containers. Be sure to use protective oven mitts that comfortably cover and protect all sides of the hand when reaching into the oven. Avoid wearing loose clothing that could get caught while moving hot foods, causing a spill or even causing you to catch on fire if it comes in contact with a burner.

Food poisoning: Improperly preparing food, or storing and transporting it at the wrong temperature, allows bacteria to thrive. The resulting cases of foodborne illness can cause people to seek out emergency treatment. While these cases of “food poisoning” are often mild and not life-threatening, they can certainly put a damper on holiday celebrations.

Falls: The Thanksgiving holiday commonly marks the beginning of a busier holiday season and is often used for more than just shopping. People are injured falling off roofs, ladders or trees while attempting to place lights and other decorations. Have a spotter when using a ladder and know your limits.

Sports injuries: Friendly competition and family events often go hand-in-hand. But each pick-up football game and driveway basketball showdown brings a risk of ankle sprains, facial lacerations from a stray elbow, and even broken bones and concussions. Use proper equipment and be sure you have a space clear of obstructions that could cause trips and falls. With simple planning, you can ensure your backyard sporting event doesn’t turn into a trip to the emergency room.

Alcohol: Alcohol is often a part of holiday celebrations. Avoid drinking and driving, as each drink impacts your ability to safely operate a vehicle. Designate a driver and get home safely. Also, bear in mind that alcohol makes almost all the above activities even riskier.


Remember: Hazard Awareness + Hazard Mitigation + Focus = Zero Injuries