We offer milling services for equipment optimization, retrofits and resurfacing


Milling Services by Orbital Energy Services

Our equipment can accommodate a wide range of applications. Some examples:

  • Flat bearing surfaces
  • Pump or generator bases and bedplates
  • Pockets and penetrations in structures
  • Inspection openings and hatch covers
  • Internal and external shaft keyways

Why should we be your first choice for On-Site Milling?

Reduced Cost and Downtime

Performed on-site, we have eliminated the issues related to removing and shipping your equipment to a shop:  exorbitant shipping costs, potential damage during shipment, valuable lay down space, and plant crane and rigging requirements.


All work is performed at the customer’s facility, regardless of size, position, damage, material, etc.  Once on-site, unloading and loading of our equipment is quick and is typically accomplished with a small fork lift or crane.


Our milling equipment can accommodate almost any application in almost any location and environment.

CONTACT US today to learn more about our milling capabilities and how we can help you achieve your goals.

Stellite Overlay on Steam Turbine Valve Components

We have developed advanced welding processes to overlay stellite into the bore of a bushing and to other areas on valves prone to excessive wear. Our process will virtually eliminate the build up of scale on those parts. It also significantly reduces erosion on other parts of the valve in the steam path.  CONTACT US today to learn more about how we can add stellite to your steam turbine valve components.

Upgrade Benefits:

  • Reduced Scale Build up on components
  • Prevent Premature Valve Failure
  • Enhance Valve Service Life
  • Improve Operating Reliability
  • Reduce Maintenance Frequency and Cost
Before After
Westinghouse Throttle Valve Main Plug with Severe Erosion.

The same throttle valve main plug back in our shop for evaluation after 50,000 operating hour – no erosion, no cracks and unit had zero operating issues while in service. Prior to the upgrade, the plugs were being replaced every 18 to 24 months.

Steam Turbine Diaphragm and Rotor Repairs

Our Midwest Steam Turbine Repair facility in Pevely, Missouri is keeping busy this outage season.  We’ve performed many diaphragm and rotor repairs this spring, and it looks like that will continue for at least a few more months as more steam turbine outages kick-off.  If you have any diaphragm or rotor repair needs during your upcoming steam turbine inspection please reach out to us for an expert opinion and quotation.   Also, at no cost to you, we can send a Steam Path Repair Subject Matter Expert to your site to review components as soon as they become available.  Contact Us today to discuss potential dates for a Steam Path Repair Subject Matter Expert to arrive at site during your outage, or to request a quotation for your potential repair needs.

February Safety Update

We’ve completed the month of February with zero OSHA-recordable injuries and have a TRIR of 0.00 for the year. We continue to be proactive in identifying potential hazards and maintaining our safety-first mindset. Great job by our HSE Director, Shannon Scruggs, our Repair Facility Management and Technicians, and each one of our Field Service Project Management teams for engraining our safety culture throughout the crews working at site. Nice job everybody!

Steam Turbine HP Nozzle Manufacturing

We recently completed the manufacture of a new HP Nozzle Block for an industrial steam turbine customer in the Southeast U.S.   The project initially called for a modification of the existing HP Nozzle Block in order to complete a rerate of the steam turbine.  With the initial inspection showing damage to the components however, manufacturing a new HP Nozzle Block became justifiable.  A brief overview of the scope of work, and photos of the newly manufactured HP Nozzle Block, are below.   If you have any steam turbine component rerate or manufacturing needs please contact us to learn more about how we may be able to assist you in achieving your objectives.


1. High Pressure (HP) Nozzle Block

1.1. The original intention of the rerate plan was to blank off nozzles to reduce flow area; however, given the need to re-blade the 1st stage wheel due to damage it became justifiable to manufacture a new HP Nozzle Block with a reduced nozzle height.

1.2. The new HP Nozzle Block was manufactured with the same number of nozzles as the original (i.e. 66) but with the nozzle height reduced to .462”.

Figure 1: New HP Nozzle Block Manufactured

1.3. A new windage shield was also manufactured to maintain the design clearance to the OD of the 1st stage wheel.

1.4. The new Upper Half HP Nozzle Block was blue checked for contact and installed to the Upper Half Casing.

Figure 2: New HP Nozzle Block installed

1.5. The new Lower Half HP Nozzle Block was shipped to site for contact check and installation by the PSG Turbine Field Service team.

2021 Alstom Owners Group Conference Presentation

Join us on March 2nd at the Alstom Owner’s Group (AOG) Virtual Conference for our presentation on Steam Turbine Diaphragm Dishing Bridge Repairs.   The AOG puts on a very educational event each and every year, and 2021 will be no different.  Hope to see you there!


Heads-Up! March 5th is Training Day at the 2021 AOG conference

Variety of extended learning opportunities for powerplant end users

One of the distinguishing characteristics of annual meetings hosted by the Alstom Owners Group is its training courses. This year’s program, outlined below, features seven two-hour training sessions on Friday, March 5—all starting at 10:00. A good strategy might be to select the topics of greatest interest and assign plant personnel to monitor each of those sessions; then gather in the break room for a roundtable discussion of the highlights, best practices, lessons learned. Register today at no cost. 

To see details of what the training topics are, and who the instructors will be, please follow this link to the CCJ article:  

Combined Cycle Journal provides complete listing of Presenters at 2021 AOG Conference

AOG invites participation by ALL owner/operators in its annual meeting, starting March 1

March 1-5. Open to all powerplant owner/operators. Register today!

The steering committee for the fourth annual Alstom Owners Group (AOG) Users Conference welcomes participation by all owner/operators of gas and steam turbines in this year’s event, March 1 – 5. The majority of sessions from Tuesday (March 2) to Friday feature content pertaining to most types of turbines (see agenda below).

First step in securing your invitation is to register at www.aogusers.com; this only takes a couple of minutes. There is no registration fee. Questions? Contact conference coordinator Ashley Potts by email.

This year’s conference will be live-streamed globally from PSM’s headquarters in Jupiter, Fla. This location facilitates a virtual tour of PSM’s 105,000-ft² workshop and repair facility, complete with demonstrations at work stations of interest to owner/operators—including blade and vane repairs, additive manufacturing, flow testing, brazing of cobalt and nickel alloys, welding, and machining.

Conference agenda

Monday, March 1. The meeting opens at 8 a.m. (Eastern) with a two-hour user-only session focusing on the repair, service, and maintenance of GT8, GT11, GT13, and GT24/26 engines, with the underlying goal of increasing reliability and controlling costs. The program features formal presentation on the liberation of a GT26 high-pressure compressor blade and instrument failures between C cycles, followed by open discussion.

2021 AOG Steering Committee

    • Brian Vokal, Midland Cogeneration Venture
    • Robert Bell, Tenaska Berkshire Power
    • Chris Hutson, Southern Company
    • Pierre Ansmann, Arnold Group
    • Jeff Chapin, Liburdi Turbine Services

Discussion topics submitted by users include the following at this time:

    • Recommendations related to the installation and operation of dehumidification systems, plus lessons learned.
    • Experience in the 11N1 fleet with the hardwired pressure switch for starting the emergency dc lube-oil pump. User seeking guidance says he is not getting sufficient pressure drop across the manifold while simulating this low-pressure event to perform an emergency dc lube-oil function test.
    • Rotor life management—repair or replace?
    • Operating experience with replacement rotors manufactured by a third party (photo).
    • Sharing of experiences with third-party vendors, especially in component repair (delivery issues, lag time, lack of availability, etc).
    • Review of recent Technical Information Letters and other OEM notifications.
    • Inspection methodology.
    • Maintenance challenges.
    • Inspection experiences (bearings, SB burners, EV combustor, etc).
    • Re-commissioning challenges—cold and hot.

OEM participation following the user discussion session includes a formal presentation on generator maintenance and recommendations followed by Q&A.

Tuesday, March 2. A keynote presentation on cybersecurity by Mark Liggett of IGI kicks off the day at 7 a.m. Eastern. The topic: Evolving attacks threaten electric-system reliability. MD&A follows at 8 with a 30-min presentation of its generator capabilities. Half-hour sessions hosted by Pioneer Motor Bearing, TRS Global, Camfil, Doosan, and Power Services Group (PSG) follow. A vendor fair for the day’s presenters from 11 to 1 p.m. closes out the Tuesday program.

Wednesday, March 3. Presentations by solutions providers begin at 7 a.m. and conclude at 10, when the two-hour vendor fair for Wednesday presenters begins. The lineup of 30-min presentations: Liburdi Turbine, EPRI, Emerson, Rochem, Hughes Technical Services, and AGTServices.

Thursday, March 4 features the same program arrangement as Wednesday, with the following companies participating: PSM, Arnold Group, Major Tool and Machine, National Electric Coil, GCMS, and Noxco. 

Friday, March 5, training day, begins at 7 a.m. with a 90-min shop tour of PSM’s facilities. Six concurrent two-hour training sessions follow. The hosts are Liburdi on gas-turbine condition assessment, Camfil on GT inlet filtration, Pioneer Motor Bearing on bearings, Emerson on control systems, AIM Power Consulting on long-term service agreements, and Hughes Technical Services on P13/blueline control system training.  

Access www.aogusers.com for program updates and other announcements.

Posted in Alstom Owners Group 

On-Site Turbine Repair Services

If it is beneficial to you to have turbine component repairs performed on-site, we offer our portable equipment to be ready when components are removed from the turbine.  Contact us today to reserve our portable repair equipment for your next turbine outage.

We are ready for your Journal and Shaft Machining Projects this outage season!

We have successfully repaired thousands of shafts and bearing journals in power and industrial facilities across the globe over the past 25 years. Our unique, on-site machining process requires absolutely no need for shaft rotation, and avoids the issues related to removing and shipping equipment to a shop: costly mobilizations, exorbitant shipping costs, potential damage during shipment, valuable lay down space, and plant crane and rigging requirements. Our finely tuned and safe processes coupled with a full range of equipment ensure customers receive the highest quality at a competitive price. If you have a journal or shaft machining project, planned or emergent, please contact us 24/7/365 for a fast response.