Entries by Mike.Lake

Safely Check for Gas Turbine Fuel/Air Leaks

Traditionally operations and maintenance personnel have used gas detectors to check the fuel pig tail flanges for leaks during the startup process. This is to ensure that no fuel is present that could cause a fire in the compartment. An less risky alternative to this process is to perform a soapy water check while the […]

Why is a Stator Core Made of Laminated Steel?

A turbogenerator stator is comprised of two major components: 1) the stator windings, and 2) the stator core. The stator core is made up of thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of individual steel laminations. Modern laminations are comprised of silica-steel, cold-rolled and grain-oriented as specific designs might require. The material is typically […]

Overlooked Gland Seal Can Be Big Trouble

The steam turbine gland steam seal system is designed to keep steam from leaking out of the turbine and to prevent air from leaking into the turbine. A gland seal system can be as simple as a spray chamber, loop seal and a steam ejector or as complex as surface condensers, air blowers or vacuum […]

Compressor Failures – Stator Vane Lock-up

Some compressor failures have been attributed to “lock-up” of the stator vanes. The vane roots are designed to rock slightly at their roots when moved with your hand. Rust and debris can inhibit this movement. An immobile vane changes the stress profile on the vane which can cause cracking and potential failure. Mechanics should check […]

Safety and Hand Grenades

Ever heard the adage “Close is only good in horseshoes and hand grenades”? We think that close calls are also important to maintaining a safe work environment. Exposing, analyzing, communicating and learning from these events is an important part of TGM®‘s safety program. We call these experiences “Near Miss” events. The resolution of one of […]

Protect your turbine with a good coat

Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) protect the first several rows of hot gas path parts from the high combustion temperatures in many advanced large frame turbines. Not all coating applications are equal, and some can even reduce the efficiency of your unit. TBCs are designed to reduce the temperature of the buckets and stators while providing […]

When a water wash fails to recover efficiency…

If a combustion turbine experiences reduced power output and heat rate, the usual suspect is compressor fouling. But what if cleaning the compressor through on-line and off-line wash is not enough to recover lost compressor efficiency? Some users experience no gain in gas turbine output or improvement in heat rate even after a Major outage. […]

Steam Turbine Contamination

Contaminated steam can seriously impair the performance and reliability of the turbine. Dissolved minerals can cause an accumulation of deposits on surfaces, impeding fluid flow. A deposit thickness of only 3 mils on the convex surface of buckets can cause an increase of 1 to 2 % in the fuel bill and a 1% reduction […]

Install Flux Probe with Generator Rotor-In

TGM® has developed a process to install a magnetic flux probe without removing the rotor from the generator. A flux probe can detect the degree and location of shortened turns in generator rotor windings, down to a specific pole and coil, without taking the generator off line. An installed flux probe allows generator specialists to […]

"Off The Job" Safety

We emphasize a lot of “on the job” safety, but what about “off the job” safety? We have a responsibility to use what we learned in all of our safety training and apply it to everyday safety. A large part of safety training is to help you form a safe attitude – to encourage you […]