ABB Steam Turbine Inspections
We have performed a number of inspections on ABB Steam Turbines over the years. We’ve worked on various size ranges, from Industrial to Utility units. Our Technical Field Advisors are very knowledgeable on the details of the ABB Steam Turbines and the specific procedures to be used for successful disassembly and reassembly of these units.
We attribute our success to our people. We keep our project teams together as they travel to different job sites around the country. Our Project Management teams consist of Technical Field Advisors, a Project Coordinator, and Turbine Mechanic Foreman. The Turbine Mechanic Foreman all have a core group of Turbine Mechanics that travel with them to each job site. These project teams work together on a regular basis, getting to know one another’s strengths and weaknesses, and look out for each other’s safety. This continuity of personnel is reflected by our excellent quality and safety record, and is the reason for us being able to deliver successful outages to our customers.
This project team philosophy translates well to inspections of all turbine types, but particularly to the smaller fleets where expertise and continuity can be hard to find. If you have an inspection coming up on your ABB Steam Turbine please contact us today and learn more about how we will provide you with a successful outage performance.
Click Here to contact us today.