Loss of Lube Oil (Emergency Lube Oil Systems)

The International Association of Engineering Insurers found that the highest frequency of steam turbine failures worldwide is due to loss of oil. To minimize the effects of loss of oil events, all turbines have a backup or emergency oil system; however, checks of these backup systems are too often neglected. Should the backup systems be inoperable during a loss of power incident, the turbine can coast down with insufficient lubrication, causing expensive component failures. These failures can range from a loss of bearing integrity (wiped bearings) to major seal and rotating component damage, and they result in large costs to the turbine owner, not only in the repair of damage done, but in the cost of lost generation time.

Weekly maintenance checks on emergency lube oil systems should include verifying the adequacy of any battery backup system and testing the pressure switches and controllers that activate backup pumps. These tests should be performed to ensure the backup systems are fully functional should a loss of power or lube oil event occur. These simple efforts of prevention are inexpensive compared to the expenditures related to a turbine coming down without sufficient lube oil.

Safety Tips

At TGM, our motto is Safety, Quality, Production . . . In That Order! We currently have:

Zero OSHA Recordable Accidents for 528th Consecutive days!

Safety is Turbine Generator Maintenance’s top priority. TGM puts safety above all other considerations and expects that devotion from every TGM employee. Please see our dedicated Safety section of our website for more information on TGM’s Safety Program.


The experts say at least 80% of industrial accidents are caused by unsafe acts on the part of employees–and not by unsafe conditions. Here are a few actions, paired with safety suggestions:

  • Being in a Hurry – Don’t let the concern for completing a job quickly overshadow safety.
  • Taking Chances – Daring behavior or blatant disregard for safe work practices can put the whole work team at risk.
  • Being Preoccupied – If your mind is troubled or distracted, you’re at risk for an accident.
  • Having A Negative Attitude – Being angry or in a bad mood can lead to severe accidents because anger nearly always rules over caution.
  • Failing To Look For Hidden Hazards – Always be alert for changes in the jobsite environment. Hidden hazards include spilled liquids, out-of-place objects, unmarked floor openings, etc.

Awareness of your environment, self-preservation, and concern for your fellow workers are all factors in good common sense. All workers can prevent themselves from getting hurt.